August 25, 2000
Blood Tests and Insulin Injections
Question from Indiana, USA:
In the answers to some recent questions, it was suggested that the child with diabetes wear a GlucoWatch at night. I checked the Cygnus site which mentions that they will not be marketing the device themselves. Do you know who will be marketing it and whether or not it is currently available? Is there any word from the larger HMO’s and insurance companies on whether they are likely to cover the costs?
The GlucoWatch is not yet available on the market nor has it had final approval by the FDA. Manufacture and marketing are contracted for in Japan and South Korea and there is approval for its use in Britain. As of February, 2000, the company were supposedly in the final stages of negotiating a contract for manufacture, marketing and a help line for North America and Europe. There is no news though on the availability of the planned smaller version nor on the extent to which third party payers will accept the cost.
Additional comments from Dr. Matthew Brown:
My limited understanding about the GlucoWatch is that it is a huge hassle and the disposable portion that needs to be frequently changed is quite expensive. Not the best idea for a child.