July 6, 2001
Aches and Pains, Complications
Question from West Manchester, Ohio, USA:
I am a 31 year old who has had type 1 diabetes for 22 years, and I am beginning to have trouble with flexor tenosynovitis in my index fingers. I work in an office and type constantly. I’ve had one injection to relieve trigger finger, but the pain/problem seems to be returning. Are there physical exercises and/or vitamin therapies for this type of problem? I would like to combat this without additional injections and/or surgery.
I do not know the answer to your questions. My instinct is to suggest that this is a process which is fairly advanced when you are talking about diabetic arthropathy. The hypothesis is that the accumulation of glucose molecules to the structural proteins in the joints and tendons is the cause for the dysfunction. Blood sugar control is always good. I am not aware that there are data suggesting that antioxidant therapy is helpful with this. I would ask for an opinion from a certified hand surgeon who deals with this on a regular basis.