December 27, 2003
Exercise and Sports
Question from Levittown, New York, USA:
I’ve been working out and want to take some weight gain supplements that contain creatine. The supplement is called Cell-Tech. Is that safe to use if I’m a diabetic?
It is important for patients with diabetes to speak to their physician about this issue. In the big picture, short-term creatine has had relatively negative glucose-raising effects. It may improve insulin resistance, to some degree. However, the big picture is more important. If these patients are taking in a high-protein diet, this may increase glomerular filtration and help to facilitate diabetes-related kidney dysfunction. I feel these patients should be monitored for microalbuminuria. If they have frank macroalbumiuria, I would not be in favor of a high-protein diet. Even for those with microalbuminuria, I would not favor this approach long-term.