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March 17, 2003

Genetics and Heredity

Question from Santa Rosa, California, USA:

Nothing peculiar has been found about the biochemistry of mothers who have children with diabetes. Has this been studied much?


From: DTeam Staff

Maternal factors contributing to childhood diabetes have in fact been studied quite a lot and very roughly fall into two groups. The first include genetic factors like the HLA antigen cell surface proteins and off course the diabetic variants due to changes in mitochondrial DNA which are exclusively maternal. Transient neonatal diabetes may rarely be due to a maternal rather than a paternal factor.

What you might call environmental factors also play a part; these include malnutrition, perhaps insufficiency of vitamin D during pregnancy and of course maternal rubeola (German measles). Add to this list whatever series of biochemical changes ultimately lead to type 2 diabetes in both generations.So far as I know though, no simple biochemical parameters in the mother predispose to diabetes in the offspring.