Francie Kline
I was diagnosed at age five. My siblings and I were up north in the Keweenaw (northern Michigan) at my grandma’s. She was a retired RN and recognized my symptoms. She called mom and dad to come up and get me and take me to “big city” hospital for diagnosis and treatment. She was right! It was a 12 hour trip from the Keweenaw to Detroit. By the time I got back down to Detroit area, I was in full DKA. In 1976, disposable syringes were the latest and greatest in T1 care! My parents and grandma instilled in me education was key. I was always reading T1 related books. I was first in line for the latest and greatest in T1 care! I had two successful pregnancies and have had successes and failures w/ T1 thru the years. But I keep going. I try to do my best in management and try spreading the word on Life with T1 via social media. I am asking for the 25 year coin but super excited to reach my T1 50th Diaversery in a couple years!

since 1976

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