Registration cost for all ages: $350
Every conference participant needs to register for the conference. Registration is $250 per person. Registration will increase to $350 per person on September 27.
Note: You must register for the conference and book your hotel room. Registration for the conference does not include your hotel room.
- All sessions for adults and children
- Kiddie Kove for our youngest (ages 0-5)
- Access to the Exhibit areas
- Reception on Friday evening
- Saturday breakfast, lunch, and snack breaks
- Saturday "Scary-okee" family event after dinner
- Sunday breakfast, lunch, and snack breaks
- One t-shirt per registered person
Cancellations prior to September 27, 2024, will be refunded minus a $25 per person processing fee.
After September 27, 2024, no refunds are available.
Note: if you cancel your conference registration, CWD will cancel your hotel reservation.
Reserving Your Hotel
FFL Hotel: Disneyland Hotel
Hotel rooms in CWD’s block are available beginning at $279 per night. Access to the official Friends for Life Anaheim room block will be granted after completing your registration. The room block link will appear in the registration portal. Note that if you cancel your conference registration, CWD will cancel your hotel room reservation.
NOTE: The FFL room block online booking has closed. Please phone the Disneyland Hotel at (714) 520-5005 to check availability and if rooms are available at the FFL rate.
Thanks to our 2024 Regional Conference Sponsors!

Friday, October 25, 2024
Registration opens at 7:00 pm. Stop by to pick up your name badge, conference t-shirt, and green/orange bracelets nice and early! It's very easy to find other FFLs – look for the bracelets and conference tees!
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Sessions for adults and children begin at 9:00 am and run all day. Opening Keynote Breakfast and lunch buffet will keep you well fed. Visit exhibitors from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Evening Fiffle Scare-e-oke snacks, spooky desserts, drinks, and karaoke in your Halloween costume (optional).
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Breakfast buffet starts the day off right, followed by sessions all day for parents, adults, and kids. Fond farewells at the end of the day.

Families & Individuals with T1D
including toddlers, tweens, teens and young adults, as well as siblings

Adult with T1D Their Partners
and spouses, and their children and friends

Siblings and Children
who, even though they don't have diabetes, they still live with diabetes

Grandparents & Other Caregivers
who are supporting their family members with type 1 diabetes

Health Care Professionals
who work with people living with type 1 diabetes (CEUs are not offered)
Friends for Life Orlando is a community who truly gets it. It’s a place where you can drop your guard, share your stories, and feel completely understood without judgment. It means a lot to be around folks who truly understand and support each other.
–Jordan, Significant Other to a T1D