

Since a low blood sugar episode, I have developed a fear of bolusing insulin in large amounts and tight control. I have also since become bulimic in order to enjoy normal amounts and types of foods. What is the best hospital for a type 1 with bulimia?

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It is very hard having a loved one, in this case my husband, suffer from this condition. It is like swimming against the current. I believe my husband does not take care of himself like he is supposed to. How can I convince my husband of the risks when he hasn’t convinced himself of attending to his condition? How can I control what he eats when I am not around him?

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My four year old has type 1 diabetes, takes three insulin shots a day, and we have a very hard time getting her to eat sometimes. Do you think this is a phase she will grow out of? If not, do you have any suggestions on helping us make meal time more enjoyable and not so stressful?

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Our 17 year old daughter maintained HbA1cs in the range of 6 and 7%, but, her last three tests have fallen in the 10 and 11% range. At the same time, a microalbumin test revealed that she was showing signs of kidney damage so she was started on an ACE inhibitor. I began taking her to a therapist two months ago, and after her visit this week, she told us the therapist suggested that she is moderately to severely depressed. Could the ACE inhibitor be contributing to the depression in some way?

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My partner, whom I live with, has type 1 diabetes and has had for over 30 years. He suffers from hypoglycaemia unawareness. He has probably, on average, 5-6 hypos per week. I do not know what to do any longer. I fear leaving him on his own. Does diabetes affect other people’s relationships or is it just me?

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My four year old son has been toilet trained for over a year, but recently his blood sugars have been too high, so he needs to urinate frequently and has started to urinate in any convenient receptacle in the home, including on his own toys. Is this normal behavior? How should I proceed with discipline and understanding this?

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My thirteen year old daughter is having some difficulties in coping with her illness. She’s getting very stubborn, and she is not following instructions properly so her sugar readings are high most of the time. What can we do as parents to help her out?

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I’m an 18 year old who has type 1 diabetes and anorexia, and I don’t know what to do. Where can I go to find help? Can you please offer some tips for helping me to talk to my parents about my problems?

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My daughter is in pretty good control of her diabetes, but sometimes, she gets mildly depressed. I would like information on cognitive-behavioral therapy and diabetes.

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Can high blood sugar affect the brain in terms of judgment and impaired thought processes?

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