
Diagnosis and Symptoms

I was just diagnosed with type I diabetes yesterday, and I a physically fit 31 year old male. What is going on here? Is this common? Is it possible I’ve been misdiagnosed?

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My 5-year old niece was admitted to hospital with suspected diabetes. They run several tests and the only thing that we heard was that “her level is 31 [558 mg/dl] while it is supposed to be 6-8 [108-144 mg/dl]”. I presume they were talking about the blood sugar level. Can a person get diabetes, with no family history of diabetes and how is that possible?

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My son has been unwell for some time. He is also more thirsty than usual and very irritable. Yesterday he had an appointment with a paediatrician. A routine urine sample showed that he had glucose and protein in his urine. The doctor told us he was probably diabetic, however a blood sugar test showed pretty normal at 5.7 mmol/l [103 mg/dl]. Should I be worried?

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My six year old son has not been diagnosed with diabetes, but his father and grandfather both have type 1 diabetes, and I believe my son may have it too. I have noticed lately that he has been eating more than usual mainly trying to eat sweets, and he also wets his pants and bed. Do you believe type 1 diabetes is hereditary?

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Type 2 diabetes is common on both sides of my maternal and my paternal family, and my mother was recently diagnosed at age 50. I am a physically active 21 year old, I have been told I have polycystic ovaries, my weight is healthy, and I have no symptoms. Should I be tested for type 2 diabetes? When and how often?

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My half-brother was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12, and my almost seven year old daughter has always a little on the chunky side and had a great appetite, but for the past month or so, she has been relentless and seems to be obsessed with food. She constantly wants food and drinks more than anyone in our house.

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Two months prior to diagnosis, my three year old presented with a yeast infection. Her A1c was 17.7% at diagnosis, which I believe indicates that she obviously had diabetes when the yeast infection started to occur Why isn’t a yeast infection strongly emphasized as a recognized symptom of diabetes?

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I am concerned that my 10 year old daughter has possible hypoglycemia. My daughter does have a problem with concentrating on anything, and is not overweight, but she started having problems with acne, and mood swings. Is 44 mg/dl [2.4 mmol/L] that low for a very active 10 year old girl?

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A child on my case load exhibits constant craving for juices, and fruits, and is very overweight. He is obsessed with eating. We were wondering if this could be indicative of early diabetes. Can a child as young as 18 months old have diabetes?

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I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a year ago after an abnormal oral glucose tolerance test (more two values over 200 mg/dl [11.1 mmol/L], and since then, my fasting levels have been “normal” (80-90 mg/dl 4.4-5 [mmol/L]). Additionally, my last A1c was 5.3%. Do I really have type 2 diabetes? If so, how long can I have”normal” fasting levels?

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