
Diagnosis and Symptoms

Our seven year old daughter has recently been dealing with fatigue. She has also had poor skin color, several skin infections, and her hair has lost its luster. She is also eating us out of house and home and has started drinking and going to the bathroom more. My husband’s relative mentioned having her tested. We’d rather go with the least invasive/hurtful thing, and, if the urine will answer our questions, we’ll stop there.

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How high should a non-diabetics blood sugar rise 1-2 hours after eating a meal? I’m concerned that I am developing Type 2 since my blood sugar has been about 170-190 after eating dinner (I test myself sometimes since my daughter is has Type 1).

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My antiGAD test came back at 6.3. Is this low? What thyroid antibodies should I have checked?

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My husband has a family history of diabetes. My son has always sweated profusely, has always been extremely thirsty, urinates very frequently, and drinks extreme amounts of liquids. About a year ago, he tested negative for diabetes. He is now five years old and has the same symptoms. We have noticed that he now has bags under his eyes and his sores take longer than “normal” to heal. Is it possible he might now have developed diabetes?

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My two year old daughter’s urine smells really bad. I have to get a sample from her, but I can’t get one to give to the doctor. Can you help me find out what it could be?

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This question is about type 1 diabetes in a 14 year old male, which was missed for a long period of time. Symptoms are said to appear “suddenly”. How suddenly is suddenly? How long could a child have type 1 diabetes without anyone noticing? Once onset has occurred, how long before fatal?

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My son is 7 years old and was diagnosed about one month ago with Type 1 diabetes. His blood tests came back showing negative antibodies to his pancreas. Should I be concerned about an underlying issue and request some further tests?

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My three month old son’s urine has that distinct smell of my five year son’s (who has type 1 diabetes). Any reason for alarm?

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I know of a child (12 years old) who has recently been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Why is she frequently listless? Does this have anything to do with the high level of ketones in her blood/urine?

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My daughter is nine years old, drinks a lot, urinates a lot, and has recently complained about blurred vision and a “flickering” of her eye and headaches. She’s about eight pounds overweight. Her paternal grandfather has type 2 diabetes. Do you think she should be checked out and what exactly are the tests to be done to rule diabetes out?

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