Welcome to Friends for Life Spring Refuel 2021

Has the last year felt like an emotional solar coaster? Help Nep-tune out the negativity of the last year and Sa-turn any frowns upside down by connecting with the diabetes community for an event that will leave you feeling out of this world.

... all puns aside, at Friends for Life Spring Refuel 2021, our team will bring families like yours the science-based information you need from the world-renowned speakers in the diabetes community, to help you thrive with diabetes. Friday night will open with our exhibit hall, an advocacy-related keynote presentation, and then an open hallway to connect with friends. Saturday is focused on mental and physical well being, with topics like stress, starting (or continuing) a fun exercise routine, and nutrition needs offered throughout the day. Sunday has an advocacy focus, with speakers and presentations aimed at advocating for yourself, your family, and your community. Each day will include open hallways for casual connections, an info desk for questions, and time to visit with our amazing sponsors in the exhibit halls.

Grab your glucose meteor ... meter and your computer and join us for a ZOOM through the diabetes space. We'll planet some seeds to help grow some healthy diabetes habits, make some new friends, and learn from some of the best diabetes speakers in the solar system. Chances star that you'll feel refueled by the time the weekend is over, and your diabetes will thank you for it.

The conference may be virtual, but the friends are for life!

Friends for Life® Spring Refuel 2021

Click on the days below to see the live session links for that day.
All times are Eastern US.


Visit Mission Control for Friday!


Visit Mission Control for Saturday!


Visit Mission Control for Sunday!
